michelle + may

Name: Michelle (left), Mary (right)
Occupation: Michelle - Dalaga Owner and Creative Director // May - Dalaga Owner and Financial Manager
Hometown: Northern Virginia
Where do you reside now: Brooklyn, NY
Favorite MCMC scent: Michelle - The Dalaga fragrance of course ; ) It's based off my favorite flower, sampaguita! Before we had the Dalaga fragrance I was only able to smell sampaguita when I was in the Philippines. Now I have it on all day long! // May - GARDEN
When did you first start wearing perfume? What perfume was it?: Michelle - I remember sneaking into my mom's room when I was really little and spraying every fragrance she had then getting caught. // May - When I was a freshmen in high school my boyfriend bought me Tommy Girl perfume for my birthday.
If you were a plant, what would you be?: Michelle - Sampaguita Tree // May - Cactus
What's in your refrigerator right now?: Michelle - Pineapple juice, soda water, yogurt, arugula, cucumbers, apples, strawberries, cheese, and Champagne! // May - Milk for my coffee, water, yogurt for my son, eggs, plantains, and cantaloupe
Three words that describe you: Michelle - Driven, affectionate, expressive // May - Shy, silly, short